杜郎俊赏 - dujun.io


前言 LitePub is a static blog generator that tries to be as easy to use as possible. It requires no software dependencies, needs no configuration files, uses no databases. All it needs is one binary, posts written in Markdown and a set of templates to render the posts to static HTML files. 实例地址 http://litepub.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 Go 1.20 服务器 Nginx 程序 LitePub 0.5.6 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统...



前言 Drupan is a flexible static site generator helping you to create blogs, single page applications or traditional websites. While being opinionated the plugin system allows you to extend it with any functionality you desire. 实例地址 http://drupan.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 Python 3.9 服务器 Nginx 程序 drupan 3.0.2 模版 drupan-template-blog 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统读写权限 已安装 Python 已安装 Nginx 安装程序 程序仓库:ht...



前言 Tclssg is a full-featured extensible static site generator written in Tcl. Its intent is to make it easy to manage a static website with an optional blog. It is aimed at Tcl programmers first. It works best for websites with a page count under 1000. Websites with a few hundred pages usually build in under a minute on modest hardware. Tclssg uses Markdown for content formatting, Bootstrap 3 for...



前言 sblg is a utility for creating static blogs. It merges articles into templates, generating static HTML files, Atom feeds, and JSON files. It's built for use with make-style build environments. 实例地址 http://sblg.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 服务器 Nginx 程序 sblg 0.5.11 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统读写权限 已安装 Nginx 安装程序 仓库地址:https://github.com/kristapsdz/sblg 文档地址:https://kristaps.bsd.lv/sblg git clone https://gi...



前言 tumblelog is a static microblog generator. There are two versions available, one written in Perl and one written in Python. Which version you use is up to you; I make an effort to keep the output of both versions identical. The input is a single "Markdown" file divided into pages by starting a line with a date followed by a title. Each date page can further be split up into multiple articles us...



前言 A bare-bones, zero-configuration static site generator that deliberately has no features, an experiment in radical simplicity. Essentially a tiny, elegant glue between EJS templates and Markdown with freeform structure (enabling incremental adoption) and convenient defaults, written in under 120 lines of JavaScript. 实例地址 http://tinyjam.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 Node.js 16 服务器 Ng...



前言 Minimal is a static personal website and blog generator for Go, Node.js and Python. It has no external dependencies and requires only a few hundred lines of code to run. 实例地址 http://minimal.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 Node.js 16 服务器 Nginx 程序 Minimal 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统读写权限 已安装 Node.js 已安装 Nginx 安装程序 仓库地址:https://github.com/lutzroeder/minimal #克隆代码 git clone https://github.com/lutzroede...



前言 Cecil is a CLI application, powered by PHP, that merge plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website. Cecil 是 PHP 语言开发的静态网站生成器。 实例地址 http://cecil.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 PHP 7.4 服务器 Nginx 程序 Cecil 7.43.2 数据 The Butler 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统读写权限 已安装 PHP 已安装 Nginx 安装程序 官网地址:https://cecil.app 程序仓库:https://github.com/Cecilapp/Cecil 数据仓库:htt...



前言 verless is a Static Site Generator designed for Markdown-based content with a focus on simplicity and performance. It reads your Markdown files, applies your HTML templates and renders them as a website. verless 是 Go 语言开发的静态网站生成器。 实例地址 http://verless.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 Go 1.20 服务器 Nginx 程序 verless 0.5.4 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统读写权限 已安装 Go 已安装 Nginx 安装程序 仓库地址:https://github.com/verl...



前言 Simple, composable static site generator built on top of the Boot. Inspired by Boot task model and Metalsmith. Perun is a collection of boot tasks that you can chain together and build something custom that suits your needs. 实例地址 http://perun.dujun.eu.org 实例配置 配置 描述 系统 Debian 开发环境服务端 Java 1.8 服务器 Nginx 程序 Perun 0.4.2 数据 jstaffans blog 实例部署 权限要求 具有系统读写权限 已安装 Java 已安装 Nginx 安装程序 官网地址:https://peru...


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